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Biblical Control Over that Anger

Last updated on May 26, 2020

 In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry

Ephesians 4:26

I found one definition of anger online which says: Anger, also known as wrath or rage, is an intense emotional state involving a strong uncomfortable and hostile response to a perceived provocation, hurt or threat.

Just by observation, the Bible admonishes us not to allow anger to lead us to sin. The verse also entreats us not allow the sun to set while we still carry anger from an event that happened in the morning. The morning here could represent the beginning of a friendship, the first time you met a person or the start of an relationship or activity.

Notables from the opening verse

  • By interpretation, the Bible admits that anger is inevitable in our lives as Christians and humans, however, we must not allow such anger to lead us into sinning against ourselves and others
  • From the scripture, there is a personal responsibility of me not to allow the anger to control me from morning till sunset.In other words, the responsibility of taking out anger should be my personal effort and a deliberate one
  • Anger in itself has the potential of making me act ‘foolishly’. I must ensure this never happens


Personal responsibility with the help of the Holy Spirit is very crucial in being able to stay calm whiles angry. As Christians we must therefore decide therefore to do the following in order to apply the principles in Ephesians 4:26

  • to remain calm and not take any decision whenever angry.
  • to ensure that even when we get angry, we would diffuse it as early as possible: not even waiting until sunset
  • ask my accountability partners to observe and point it out when we seem to forget
  • will read other verses on anger in the Bible during my Bible study and a book on anger before the year ends to increase understanding.

Further reading; 1 Kings 21, Genesis 4, Numbers 20 and Romans 12:17-21

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